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Lighten Up

Updated: Jul 3, 2023

Life lesson: Fun times help us get through the hard times.

Last week was tough. I was exhausted, kept being hit over and over. The house was so quiet, I had to get away, at least in my mind. Did you do anything to ease the quiet in your home? If you didn’t, take some time to remember something fun you’ve done in the past. Fun helps us re-enter our lives. Fun helps us to create a new life, another chance at happiness. This is one fun time I remember, an escape.

I was raised in the country. It was cold and there was always a lot of snow. Cars had to have chains on the tires, but we still got stuck. We had to have a tow rope in the car, as well, and a shovel. No one thought to carry rations like we are advised to do today. We are now told to secure water, a month’s worth of food, blankets, firewood, a propane stove, tent and extra clothes.

Being snowed in was not uncommon when I was young. One time, we were snowed in for a week. It was delightful. No school. Then we realized it was Easter week and school was already canceled. Bummer. How did the weather know that?

The greatest fun was sliding down a hill. At recess, everyone tore out our coats, hats and gloves and headed to the tallest hill around. We all had dibs on a piece of cardboard and woe be unto the one who tried to snitch ours. We would hang onto the cardboard while jumping on and slide downhill really fast. Of course, we had to try to keep out of the way of those who had already slid down. We even did this while at school. At recess, we would grab our cardboard, slide to the bottom of the hill as fast as we could go, then run back up so we could do it again before recess was over. We would return to class wet and exhilarated, trying to concentrate on our lessons until lunchtime, when we could do it all over again.

Those were fun times, even though this was during the Great Depression. The reality of the times was forgotten for a little while, and it provided great exercise and some relief from family worries.

I related the story to a friend who asked if anyone used saucer sleds, to which I replied, “they weren’t invented yet.”

We have great generational differences, both in experience and communication. Keep in mind, though, that differences can expand our minds. In the meantime, remember some great experiences you’ve had and write those memories down. It will help with re-entering life.

This reprieve from grieving gave me time for rejuvenation. Grieving is hard work. It takes a toll physically, emotionally and mentally. I needed rest.

It is a journey to re-enter life. I can’t undertake it in an exhaustive state.It seems when I am most exhausted is when grief hits me the hardest. Some of the fun times can provide the boost I so desperately need to take the next step in the grieving process.

Let me know how you are doing. I care.


Lynn Brooke

© 2023. Our New Chances. All rights reserved.

Photo credit: © 2023 Rachel Gareau


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